Thursday, November 4, 2010

Did I just embroider something?

The other day, Anthony and I were in Barnes and Noble so we weren't stuck in the house during some nasty weather.  I wanted to check out pretty much all the sewing/crafting books they had (my search at 2 libraries on Monday were pretty fruitless) and Anthony could play on the train table and look at some books as well.  I did see one book I liked, but decided I shouldn't get it as it seems I have a lot of projects I want to do and should probably finish those before starting anything else.  So, I put it away...but upon leaving B&N, I saw a cute little cross stitch kit and decided to get it.  It looked like something to do and would be a nice break from sewing.  I got a little frustrated upon doing research in hopes of finding a way to integrate some cool, modern cross stitch into my sewing.  I also ran into a lot of topics involving hand embroidery and I immediately wrote that off (I need machines to do my work...I don't have the dexterity to do much else!).  I finished this little cross stitch this afternoon and remembered that I had some linen coasters a friend was going to toss last year, but gave to me instead.  I ended up just drawing on it with a pencil and just stitched away!  Granted, it isn't perfect by any means (having a child jump all over you while you're trying to follow a faint pencil line as your husband turns off almost all the lights, isn't exactly a great environment to do this in), but I am very excited about the possibilities :)

And here is a cat picture Anthony colored, next to one of my cats.  Anthony has really been on a cat kick lately and it's pretty cute.  Although, I do worry a little about his future.  I feel like, at this point, he could either end up a Veterinarian...or a hoarder. 

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